
Friday 26 November 2010

Postgresql dumps and storage on S3 : the sequel … using dynamic temp EBS

Hi all,
Here you can find a new and customized approach for Postgresql dumps and storage on S3. Based on my previous post, this script uses the EC2 API and has new features and will :
  1. Create an EBS volume on EC2,
  2. Prepare the EBS volume filesystem and mount it on you database server (in EC2 cloud),
  3. Run the postgresql dump utility and store the dumps on the EBS volume,
  4. Rend the dump files to S3, into the bucket you want,
  5. Manage dump file collections in the bucket : clean / delete the previous dump files according to the retention date/period,
  6. Un-mount and delete the EBS volume, like that you no longer pay for something you don’t need / don’t use.

Here is the script descriptions :
  1. Create the temporary EBS volume,
    • VOLUME=`ec2-create-volume  --size $VOL_SIZE --region $REGION -z $AVAIL_ZONE | cut -f2`
  2. Building the filesystem and mounting as /mnt/something
    • STATE=`ec2-attach-volume $VOLUME --instance $INSTANCE --device $DEVICE --region $REGION | cut -f5`
  3. Start database dump
    • su - postgres -c "$PG_DUMP $BASE | gzip | split -b $SPLITS - $DUMP_FILE"
  4. Send the dump files to S3 with s3cmd
    • s3cmd -p put $DUMP_FILE* $S3ENDPOINT
  5. Detaching the EBS Volume
    • STATE=`ec2-detach-volume $VOLUME --region $REGION | cut -f5`
  6. Clean up the historical dump files on S3, based on
    • for FILENAME in `$S3PUT ls $S3ENDPOINT | cut -d":" -f3`  ====> delete
After running, the temporary EBS volume is no longer attached to the server and delete can be performed.

Below, you can find the script. Please note :
  • use database_name = bucket name, for convenience. Otherwise you will have to modify the script.
  • use database_name as parameter $1.
  • the final routine (lookup on s3 bucket files for cleanup) is a modified version of the one found here.
  • Be sure you have a working installation for the EC2 API (+path)
  • Variables to check :
    • Java path
    • Availability zone (EC2)
    • Region (EC2)
    • Device (something from sdf to sdxxxx)
    • Dump dir : will be hosted on the temp EBS once mounted on /mnt/something
    • Volume size : the size of the volume to create. Be sure you have enough space for your dumps
    • Splits : size for multi dump files.
#                                                    #
#        POSTGRES startup script                     #
# Author : Vincent Teyssier                          #
# Date   : 20/11/2010                                #
#                                                    #
# General variables
export JAVA_HOME="/mnt/postgres/jdk1.6.0_21"
export EC2_HOME="/mnt/postgres/ec2-api-tools-1.3-53907"
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY="/mnt/postgres/ec2-api-tools-1.3-53907/keys/pk-file.pem"
export EC2_CERT="/mnt/postgres/ec2-api-tools-1.3-53907/keys/cert-file.pem"
export JDK_HOME="${JAVA_HOME}"
export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
export PATH="$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin"

# EC2 Variables
INSTANCE="your EC2 instance id"
VOL_SIZE="100" # in mb

# Dump variables
DUMP_TIME=`date +"%Y%m%d"`

echo "***********************************************"
echo "*    DUMP/ BACKUP PROCESS                     *"
echo "*    Starting at :" `date` 
echo "***********************************************"

# Create volume
echo ""
echo "Create Volume"
VOLUME=`ec2-create-volume  --size $VOL_SIZE --region $REGION -z $AVAIL_ZONE | cut -f2`
while ! ec2-describe-volumes $VOLUME --region $REGION | grep -q available; do sleep 1; done
echo "Created volume " $VOLUME "with size of "  $VOL_SIZE " Gb"

# Attaching volume
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Now attaching volume"
STATE=`ec2-attach-volume $VOLUME --instance $INSTANCE --device $DEVICE --region $REGION | cut -f5`
while ! ec2-describe-volumes $VOLUME --region $REGION | grep -q attached; do sleep 1; done
echo "Volume " $VOLUME "has state : " $STATE

# Building filesystemm and mounting
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Now building filesystem"
while [ ! -e $DEVICE ]; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done
sudo mkfs.ext3 -F $DEVICE
if [ ! -d $DUMP_DIR ]
sudo mkdir $DUMP_DIR
sudo mount $DEVICE $DUMP_DIR
sudo chown postgres:postgres $DUMP_DIR
sudo chmod 777 $DUMP_DIR
su - postgres -c "touch file.txt"
echo "Volume " $VOLUME "mounted on " $DUMP_DIR

# Dumping
echo "**********************************************"
echo "Dump started at " `date`
echo "su - postgres -c $PG_DUMP $BASE | gzip | split -b $SPLITS - $DUMP_FILE"
su - postgres -c "$PG_DUMP $BASE | gzip | split -b $SPLITS - $DUMP_FILE"
echo "Dump ended at " `date`
# Sending
echo "**********************************************"
echo "Send to S3 started at " `date`
echo "Send ended at " `date`
#echo "**********************************************"
#echo "Deleting local dump files"
#rm $DUMP_DIR/$BASE.gz*

# Cleaning all
sudo umount $DUMP_DIR
echo "$DUMP_DIR unmounted"
sudo rm -Rf $DUMP_DIR

# Detaching volume
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Now detaching volume"
STATE=`ec2-detach-volume $VOLUME --region $REGION | cut -f5`
while ! ec2-describe-volumes $VOLUME --region $REGION | grep -q available; do sleep 1; done
echo "Volume $VOLUME has now state : $STATE and can be deleted"
ec2-delete-volume $VOLUME --region $REGION
echo "Volume $VOLUME currently deleting"
echo "Database dump is finished at : " `date`
echo "***********************************************"
echo "Cleanup process"
echo "Starting at :" `date`

LIMIT=`date --date="5 day ago" +"%Y%m%d"`
echo $LIMIT
echo `date '+%F %T'` - Timestamp of 5 days ago: $LIMIT
echo `date '+%F %T'` - Getting the list of available backups
for FILENAME in `$S3PUT ls $S3ENDPOINT | cut -d":" -f3`; do
if [[ $FILENAME =~ ([0-9]*)\.gz* ]]
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
echo `date '+%F %T'` - Reading metadata of: $FILENAME
echo -e "\tFilename: $FILENAME"
echo -e "\tTimestamp: $TIMESTAMP"
if [[ $TIMESTAMP -le $LIMIT ]]; then
echo -e "\tResult: Backup deleted\n"
$S3PUT del "s3:$FILENAME"
echo -e "\tResult: Backup keeped\n"
echo `date '+%F %T'` - $TOTAL old backups removed

It’s working nicely on all my postgres servers. I’m currently finalizing a custom script for retrieving and re-creating a database back from the dump file collection.

Feel free to contact me for any question.

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